We're always on the look out for great teachers. If you're interested in joining our team, drop us a line and let us know why you'd be a perfect match for The Language Co!
Louisiana, USA
10+ years teaching experience (USA and South America)
“Santiago is the epicenter for international business in South America, so there is a lot of quality work here for teaching corporate English”
“TLC is a solid institution.. Everyone that works here is honest and they have your back, they give you the resources that you need to be successful, I think you’re set up for success”
9 years teaching experience (South America and Asia)
“I chose TLC because there was a good variety of classes that were offered, I’ve had the chance to teach some Business English classes, some conversation classes also exam preparation, I’ve enjoyed teaching that variety”
“The most positive aspect of working in TLC for me has been the support from the other teachers, the academic manager and the administration- I’ve really found that if I’ve had any questions about any of my courses or any logistical issues, they’ve been more than happy to help”
Calcutta, India - Chicago, USA
15+ years teaching experience (USA, India, Chile)
“I found TLC to offer the best opportunities in Santiago as a company for English instructors- both professionally and personally”
“Key factors (in my decision to choose TLC) were the guaranteed minimum salaries, fully professional work environment and a company with clear goals and methodologies geared towards a wide number of clients and students”
5 years teaching experience (Philippines, Chile)
“Being an overseas applicant I heavily relied on information on the internet and TLC was well-represented online... I was confident that (TLC) was legit and trustworthy, (it was important) especially because I was applying from halfway across the world”
“TLC has allowed for building good relationships with my co-teachers, whether it be during lesson planning or having our Spanish classes together”